CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, December 31, 2012


Over the past few months, it was pretty depressing, my health went south of the border, a foot ailment, it put me on the couch off and on for a total of nearly a month. Cash wasn't flowing in, and I couldn't get Christmas presents for anyone in my life considered special, it was the most horrible holiday season to date.

Life for me isn't that bad at all, right now I got family that's got my back, but I really need to get on my feet again, and do what I was put on this earth to do.'s hard to do things on your own, trying to start anything without money is like walking on sharp glass, you can't get very far, shoes can help walking on sharp glass, and money can help you get started in any project that hopefully leads to well...making money. So life goes on, and in the news it's all about that stupid Fiscal Cliff, and all you hear is negatives when it comes to the financial world, is the dollar going to survive? Do you need gold instead of cash?

That's just too much information to gather, right now I need peace, a space to focus on what I can attain for 2013. Sure I want that whole enchilada, I want that big ass pie for myself, and then I can feed my loved ones you know? Life isn't hard, it's not that bad, however I'm not getting the breaks I really need. And we all need a break right? Just a hit. Look at it this way, I am on second base, but everyone that is coming up to bat is striking out, get the picture? 

Yeah yeah, my friends tell me "Ron will you snap out of this, for God's sake you got more talent than most people, get going, get working, don't stop." Whatever that means...well, I just want to work at what I want to do, that's my road block, I just need that break, also some financial backing would work out fine. Yeah money for the right reasons man, that's all so I can do my thing...Gone are the days of splurging on stupid material things that don't matter in life... just money so I can get to work you know?

Well, I'm in the hole still, but what makes life really good is when a friend stops by and picks you up and takes you to breakfast. First I wanted to get my brother Ron a great friend some breakfast at maybe some quick food joint. But Ron knowing I'm still in a hole decides to take me to breakfast at Lulu's in Lahaina.

So life isn't going my way fully just yet, but 2013 is a few hours away, and I hope my negatives turn into positives, but eating this morning at Lulu's was awesome, we both had the Ahi Benedict, with fried rice. Ono! Or delicious for you peeps that don't know Hawaiian words.

Yeah, good friends and family matter more than anything, because when you're down in life and trying, and your friends know it, and they stop by occasionally to treat you to a meal that's worth more than a gazillion dollars! Seriously, if I had a gazillion dollars and no friends, that would suck.

So 2013, I hope the jobs comes my way so next Christmas...I'll be able to get something for those I love and those who love me...there's nothing more lame than having someone you love getting nothing for Christmas...sometimes it just ends up like that. Lesson...times are hard, and the jobs you counted on may not show up for various reasons...and man, that's lame. However, life moves forward with good friends and family, it makes life worth living. And I know God has this upon me as a test. If I keep my head in the game...that next person will probably get a single and I'll move to third base. is just a game..just a game we really can't win, but we can hang in there day in and day out. At least hang in there, because one day we won't be on this earth, so really we can't win here, just survive.

Thanks to brother Ron and Lulu's in Lahaina, and my family that cares for is okay, it's pretty good, God's just testing me..."Well God it's been about a 5 year test, I hope I have some good grades."

Friday, December 28, 2012


This is for the rich food lovers out there, you burger lovers, you fried food lovers, you lovers of saturated fats! Some of you out there just love creamy stuff on your foods and it's because fat has flavor, and once you are hooked on fat, you become of fat junkie! You sorry sack a .....! Look at yourself in the mirror, are you the one that takes all the fat off that Kentucky Fried Chicken and just devours it? A ha, I rest my case you fat addict!

Alright let's move on to the creamy stuff you all love, and I'll give you guys some ideas on jacking up flavors to that awesome culinary invention...I think it's origins is Spain. Well that's what Wiki came up with. Whatever, just buy the (blank)!

Sesame Mayonnaise

1 cup real mayonnaise
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. sesame oil
1/2 tsp. soy sauce
1/2 tsp. sesame seeds

Mix it up well, this works good for spreading over BBQ Korean beef or chicken!!!!

Maple Mayonnaise

1 cup real mayonnaise
1 tsp. sugar
3 tbsp. maple syrup of a fine grade
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Mix it up well, spread it over roast pork, or deep fried pork or even fried chicken

Curry Mayonnaise

1 cup real mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. turmeric
2 tbsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. olive oil
1 tsbp. lime juice
1/4 tsp. white pepper
salt to taste

Mix it up well, serve with sandwiches like roast beef, or spread over deep fried or steamed fish, or tofu.

Kim Chi Mayonnaise

1 cup real mayonnaise
1 1/2 tsp. gojunchang hot sauce (Korean hot sauce)
1/4 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. minced ginger
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. honey

Mix it well, serve over BBQ item

Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

WON TONS & LUMPIA; Wenatchee, WA

My recent post was 'sesame chicken' done by my sister Joyce, it's right below this post or blog. However, to the left is some fresh lumpia and won tons made by my other sister that lives in Wenatchee, WA with her husband John. Yes, the whole family is foodies, in fact Es and John owned a deli here on Maui and relocated to the northwest. 

Lumpia and won tons can't go wrong ever, some love the lumpia plain, or with a dip of vinegar, soy sauce and garlic. Some will use ready made sweet chili sauce, some will use patis the fish sauce of the Philippines, or hot mustard and soy sauce. Same goes for the won tons, I like mine plain, just the flavors of the ingredients is good enough for me, but if the person made it sucks, then I'd have to have some dip to it. So this is another short little blog post on what's going on in the family here on Christmas day 2012. 

Happy Xmas!


This is a short blog post, just something to share with the foodies out there, my sister Joyce fried up some Sesame Chicken Wings for a lunch on this Christmas day of 2012. She won't give out the recipe, although we tried and came close, it is one of those family secrets. It is clandestine you know. So here it is in the wok deep frying.

And here it is in the pan, notice its dark color, nice and brown with a crispy crust, I do know for sure, she coats it in cornstarch before she fries it, and you can see the sesame seeds that I know is part of the marinade. I am sure there is soy sauce inside also sesame oil and green onions I think. But the ratio of what is in there is a mystery. Like teriyaki or kalbi ribs, we all know the basic ingredients, but how much does the cook put in..or in some cases leave out? Well all I know is, this pan will be devoured quickly when it is in the hands of anyone in the house. To enjoy this meal, you just eat it fast as you can, full blast! Stick a wing in your mouth, bite on it and pull that wing out, slurp the meat, don't chew, slurp the meat, oh yeah baby! You jive turkey! Slurp it man! And have a Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Ranch Dressing is one of the most popular store bought salad dressings, it is made by some of the most popular prepared food corporations, such as Krafts and many others. In the store aisles you'll find low fat ranch, organic ranch, I've even seen one small company advertise spicy ranch. 

Salad lovers that use ranch dressing usually are dairy lovers, or lovers of rich foods. I've seen a friend of mine literally eat spoonfuls of ranch, I mean she just took her spoon and shoveled it into her mouth. Gross? Not really, I mean if she loves it and it turns her on, then to her it's an orgasm. But to just shovel a heaping spoonful of ranch into your mouth is well...ok, gross! But nonetheless, ranch dressing if made right is great as a sandwich spread, dips for buffalo wings, and celery sticks, as well as on soda crackers. I've actually used some ranch to top off roast beef sandwiches, as well as on hot dogs, I've even put it inside of omelets for breakfast. Oh yeah if you've been reading my blogs over the past couple of years, I do love mayonnaise, I love its texture and its creaminess, and richness on dry foods. No, I would not shovel mayonnaise into my mouth and go nuts, that's sick! But, mayonnaise in the right quantity on foods is delicious. 

Ranch dressing has mayonnaise inside as well as sour cream, dried chives, dried parsley, dried dill weed, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. The best way to make ranch is to use Best Foods Mayonnaise, now it is not organic, I've never grown an extra finger eating it, though if you want you can use whatever brand you want. I've used Vegenaise before and it works out well for an all natural no animal fat type of vegan mayo. But Best Foods will do. And of course use a good brand of sour cream.

Here is a basic recipe for Ranch Dressing, and if you have a 16 fl oz. jar you can make enough for dips and spreads.


2 cups mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp. dried chives
1 tsp. dried parsley
1 tsp. dried dill weed
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. celery salt
1 dash of salt
1 dash of white pepper


Simply put all of the ingredients into a mixing bowl and using a whisk, blend all of the ingredients together. Taste it and adjust the flavors to your liking. Put a piece of foil or plastic wrap over it and chill for at least an hour before serving.

Making fresh dressings will definitely taste better, if you want to make really fresh ranch, make the mayonnaise from scratch. And you can make sour cream by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of whole milk, let it curdle, buttermilk. And then add a 1/4 of the buttermilk, to a cup of heavy cream, mix it up well, cover it and let it stand at room temperature for a whole day. Then refrigerate it. 10 oz. of sour cream will be made.

But this blog is about simplicity for the everyday home chef, you can't go wrong by mixing your own ranch dressing, your guests will love it. If there is extra that can't fit in the jar, put the small amount in a ramekin and use that first.

Ranch Dressing as a Dip:

Buffalo Wings
French fries
Chicken Fingers
Celery sticks
Garlic sticks
Fish sticks
Crab cakes
Raw fish
Shrimp Tempura
Fried pork rinds

Ranch Dressing as a Spread:

Roast beef sandwiches
Ham sandwiches
Cheese burgers
Club sandwiches
Patty melts
Turkey on rye
Tuna melts
Chicken sandwiches
Tuna sandwiches
Kosher dogs
Portuguese sausage

So there's a little tip on ranch dressing for those of you home chefs that want to make something from almost scratch. Until my next blog take care.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I do get forgetful sometimes, and I was never a thermometer toting cook, except for some time working in a restaurant where the chef was anal and we had to use it, if you aren't doing multiple tasks in your oven at home, it's easier to gauge your roasts, but in a professional setting where that oven is being opened and closed consistently robbing precious heat, that's when having a thermometer really comes in handy. If I had to stick a thick sirloin inside to finish, that would normally take about 7 minutes in a 400 deg. oven, with other cooks sticking stuff in there that 7 minutes may take a freeking 15 minute to 20 minute journey before it's even plated.

Well live and learn. Today I'll go over some basic tips again because these basics come in handy any time of the year. Remember that roasting beef is unlike roasting pork or poultry, you can go under the radar with beef, not so with pork or poultry. I love roasting beef because it is the simplest of meats to roast.

I get asked by friends who are just learning to cook what's the best cuts to roast? Well hands down it has to be the prime rib. First of all, it's basically cut into rib eye steaks, if you've ever had rib eyes you know that it is well marbled and it is basically a tender cut to begin with, so overcooking it really is not too good at all. So let's get to know the Prime Rib shall we?

Looking at this picture to the left, you understand that the outer layer of this prime well marbled cut is crusted, or it looks burnt, the chef did this to seal in the juices. Most chefs in fine dining establishments will sear the meat by jacking up the oven temperature up to 450 deg. for about 30 minutes developing that dark crust, and then lowering the temperature to 300 deg. f to finish it. Notice that the center is pink and bloody? Some people don't like well done roasts, and if your aunt wants her slice cooked more simply have her slice finished off in a pan.

There is nothing more enjoyable than a fine roast of beef, in fact any part of beef can be an awesome meal, but let's talk about the Prime Rib, what it is, where it is cut from, how it is seasoned and roasted to making a simple au jus sauce with that restaurant quality. Ready?

If you look at a picture of a cattle, from the head to the tail, right at the base of the neck you have his shoulders, in American culinary jargon this region is known as the Chuck section. Now keep in mind that the shoulders of cattle get some physical work, so the meat there is generally kind of chewy, I wouldn't say really tough, but chewy. As a matter of fact I grew up eating beef that was mostly Chuck because it was not too expensive, and mom would pan fry it, roast it, or grill it, and even stick it in her Crock Pot. Chucks have good flavor, but you would not find Chuck in a fine dine, though you'd find a lot of this cut in most everyday folks' kitchens for sure.

The next region is your rib section. The nice tender parts that costs more at the butcher shop. So if you'll do a beef roast for the first time, get yourself a slab of prime rib. For your information the Prime Rib is a name of the section. It consists of 6 through 12 ribs. Also known as "standing rib roast" because when it is roasted, the fat cap is on top, while the rib bones are on the bottom. Some chefs will slice the meat off of the bone and then re-attach it with twine and then roast it, the bones add flavors to the pan to make a sauce or au jus And it is easier to carve when done, chef simply takes off the twine, and rests the meat and then slices it no bones in the way.

Here is a cut for at least two people, this is sold as prime rib, also a "Two Bone Standing Rib Roast" has two bones easy eh?
Notice the fat content, this is a "Choice" cut, meaning it is a fine grade, next grade up will be the ultimate "Prime" but choice is excellent grade for sure. Notice also to the top of the picture of the roast is the bones. To roast this, simply take a wire rack and place it in a deep roasting pan of stainless steel, and set the bone side down into the rack with that fat cap facing upwards. This is about 3.5 pound piece of beef. 

What to season it with? Rub some salt all over the meat, especially over the fat cap and under the bones, not too much but a good rub of salt. Use some dried rosemary and thyme and rub that into the meat as well, and some black pepper, massage it into the meat. Place it on a wire rack set into a roasting pan and let sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes as you preheat your oven at 450 deg f. set the oven shelf to the center. If your oven has an automatic beep when your oven is preheated, place the roast in the oven. Now roast the beef at 450 for about 20 minutes, then turn it down to 350 deg. f, and continue to roast it for another 30 minutes, remove from oven and tent it with foil, let it rest for 30 minutes. A general rule is about 15-18 minutes per pound at around 350 deg f. Use a thermometer and check if it is 135 deg. f, it's medium rare, 150 deg f. medium. but remember that when it rests out of the oven it continues to cook.

Making Au Jus

Take the roasting pan with drippings of fat, place it over the stove over 2 burners, add in a cup and a half of beef broth low sodium, and 1 cup of red wine. Over medium high heat, stir it up with the fat and bits of cooked meat on the bottom of pan, cook until the liquid reduces to about 3/4 of a cup total, off heat. Add in a few dashes of thyme and rosemary, swirl in a tablespoon of unsalted butter. Strain sauce into ramekins. Slice the roast down the middle in between the two bones and plate with favorite starches.

Prime Rib Over Hot Coals (another grilling idea)

Just remember if you are a novice on roasting beef, do it right, and get yourself the standing rib roast or prime rib section. Don't fool around, if you want to impress your friends or family this cut of beef will be your shining time in the kitchen!

Go to your local market, and ask the meat guy, "Hey I'm gonna feed an X amount of people, and I want the best standing rib roast you got." He'll tell you how much you'll need and get it for you. So remember the chart here okay?

Standing Rib Roast Cooking Times
Keep it simple in a 350 deg f. oven preheated.

Get your deep roasting pan with a wire rack set inside

Okay here's where you got to pay attention.


3-4  Medium Rare: 1- 1 1/2 hours  (135 deg f.) internal
4-6 Medium Rare: 1 3/4 to 2 hours (135 deg f.) internal
6-8 Medium Rare: 2 - 2 1/4 hours (135 deg f.) internal

Now if your butcher gives you a larger cut, because all animals are different in size, just follow the guideline here, and do purchase an instant read thermometer to get that internal reading of 135 deg. f, remember this, if someone wants a slice cooked more, you can always cook it on a stove top. Overcooking any prime rib is a sin.

I'm keeping it simple for you, once you get into all these different culinary jargon, it gets confusing, after all we aren't here to be rib experts, just a decent home chef right? So keep these tips on hand, and you'll do okay.

I'll blog some other roasting info for you novice cooks again maybe sooner than later, but again, purchase a standing rib roast, it is the best for roasting, remember good fat content makes it all worth while. If you want leaner roasts, I'll get into that later.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Here is my morning, making chicken soup for the offices dinner tonight, and man do I need to practice my knife skills. I bought a 4.5 lbs. chicken last night, whole you know? So this morning I got all of my stuff out, got the zooks and sliced them into half moons 1/4 inch thick, some celery, ginger, watercress, and green papayas my sis had in her fridge.

Anyhow, I had to section the bird so it would sweat out nice in the stock pot. This is what happened, I mangled the bird, sectioning the legs was hideous but it worked since it was for soup, if it was for a display case forget it, and removing the wings and breast was also HIDEOUS! Well long story short, I got the bird into the stock pot.

1. Heat up vegetable oil and started to sweat out the juices from the mangled bird for about 45 minutes over medium heat.

2. Add 2 cups of water boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

3. Add 8 cups of water, boil and simmer 30 minutes.

4. Boiling hot to reduce the 8 cups to about 4 cups around 30 minutes or so.

5. Removing carcass and bones from liquid.

6. Add cubed breast to broth.
7. Added ground peeled organic tomatoes.
8. Chopped celery.
9. Shredded chicken goes back into pot.
10. Celery in pot to give it flavor not looks.
11. Soup taking shape after 2 1/2 hours.
Nearly 2 1/2 hours of boiling and simmering, boiling and simmering to develop a rich chicken stock that is turning into a rich soup. The longer you simmer the more rich the broth will be. Ultimately I wanted to just roast the whole chicken but didn't want to take out the roasting pan and turn on the oven, so the stock pot method was fine, like how mom made soup. The trick is to sweat out the fat and all the dark meat from the chicken, and the bones add flavor. Adding little water 2 cups at a time helps, in the beginning of the soup process, you don't want a lot of water, you want to slowly reduce all the juices and fats, it works. If I was not making soup today, I'd take that reduced gelatin and freeze it for future soup making or gravies. Home made stocks are totally better than store bought ones.

11. Green papayas added towards the end.
12. Zooks (zucchini) added towards the end.
13. Watercress added towards the end.
The Finished Chicken Soup with Veggies!!!
So now I'm letting that soup rest, I tossed a few dashes of sea salt and pepper to it, now I fold some clothes, drink some java, and get ready to go to work, hopefully I won't forget the styrofoam soup bowls and spoons, and the serving ladle too.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Mexican cooking is one of my favorite types of cooking because of the herbs and spices used in the culture. Pechuga Adobada or marinaded chicken breast, in a red chili sauce. The aroma is pleasant, and you can do a lot with it, such as dice it up and fill a tortilla shell, or serve it with rice and beans, or even braised vegetables the starchy ones like potatoes, or yams. 

Since supermarkets sell chicken breast ready for cooking without skin and bones, this is a simple dish to make, all you'll need is a stainless steel stock pot and the ingredients at the ready to make it. Ready? Get off that couch you lazy asses and wash your hands really good who knows where you had those hands, who knows you may have been scratching your balls gross! Or picking boogers out of your nose gross! Okay you Pigpen wash up, and scrub your nails as well.


6 oz. dried red chiles, and remove the stems
3 tbsp. chile powder
3 tbsp. organic honey
1-2 tbsp. vinegar
3 tsp. ground cumin
1 1/3 tsp. ground cloves
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
Juice from small lime
6 tbsp. olive oil
3 1/2 lbs. chicken breast cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes
Sea salt, fresh black pepper to your taste
Have several warm tortilla wraps on hand to fill. Or have rice and beans


1. Heat up the chiles in a stainless steel stock pot over medium-high heat until toasted, it should take about 4-5 minutes or so. When the chiles are done, place it in a large bowl, and then add about 7-8 cups of hot hot boiling water and cover the bowl to keep it hot about 15-20 minutes. Once the chiles are soaked, strain the chiles out into food processor. Now spoon from the bottom of the bowl at least 1 1/2 cups to 2 cups of the chile water into the food processor. Now add in all of the ingredients from the chile powder all the way to the lime juice and puree until nice and smooth.

2. Return stock pot to stove over medium-heat, add the olive oil and preheat, season the cubed chicken breast with salt and pepper, slowly add in a few cubes at a time and brown each cube of chicken until brown and juices release, it should take about 10 minutes or so. Now take the sauce from the food processor and add that to the pot, stir it around, then cover with lid, lower heat to a simmer, and cook for about 1 1/2 hours or so, longer if you want, it will be fork tender and the low heat cooking will marry the flavors of spices nicely.

To serve add as a filling in warm flour tortillas or corn tortillas, or serve over Spanish rice with black beans. Or if you like mozzarella shred some and melt it over the Pechuga Adobada. You can do as you please with this, eat it any which way you desire. Some people will add brown sugar before it ends the cooking process to sweeten it. Trick is to keep a small spoon ready and as it cooks adjust the flavors by continuing tasting it, all good cooks do that. Remember recipes are just a guideline, it may call for a teaspoon of this or that, but for you you may not want it at all, it's up to you and who you are cooking for.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


As I sit here in Barnes & Nobles on Maui, contemplating life, like what am I here for. A thought came into my mind, "Ron you are here to spread the good word." And that good word is any word written or spoken that can help someone's life. So, since I been blogging about food for a few years now, I might as well spread the word to those with diabetes, that there is a lot of information out there on foods to eat that isn't bland, but tasty. For instance Better Homes and Garden has a book out (2011), that has a lot of delicious looking meals, it is called Diabetic Living Quick & Easy Meals.

If you are a cook with diabetes then this book will give you some interesting ideas, or maybe you are a care giver, this book will come in handy. Price? $19.95 retail at Barnes & Noble, it may be lesser online, or possibly in an e-reader format. However, this book has sparked my interest. The beginning of the book has a short guide on portions, just enough not to bore you, it is to the point. And it starts off with breakfast, and on page 15 the Bacon N Egg Pockets look pretty good, I mean this is geared for people with diabetes, but it looks good I want to eat it. Also on page 19 the Mushroom Scramble Eggs looks good, with cherry tomatoes, turkey bacon, low fat milk, low fat cheese, green onions, and mushrooms. Again I'd eat that. And for the more gourmet the Omelet Provencal looks more upscale with Asiago cheese, mozzarella cheese, thyme, garlic, green onions, and mushrooms. Nuts!

In the Quick Fix Sandwich section, the Beef and Black Bean Wrap looks healthy, a tortilla filled with lean ground beef, garlic, chili powder, cumin, coriander, tomatoes, black beans, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, that's on page 55.

And in the soup section on page 78 the Chicken-Squash Noodle Soup looks inviting on a cold day. Onions, celery, carrot, garlic, seasonings, chicken broth low fat/sodium, noodles, yellow summer squash, fat free milk, cubed chicken breast. Nice looking soup, beats that ready made stuff out of a can, with a start to finish time of 30 minutes, that's a "Yay" vote. 
Also on page 85 the German Potato Sausage Soup looks filling, and this is for a diabetic? It has turkey sausage, mushrooms, onions, celery, caraway seeds, black pepper, low sodium beef stock, non alcoholic beer, potatoes, broccoli, green cabbage and fat free milk, this gets another "Yay" vote.

As I flipped through the pages, on 125 Mexican Style Shrimp that looks great! Page 130 Udon Noodles with Tofu, page 137 Mushroom Sauced Pork Chops...what? Yeah that's right diabetics no longer have to eat cardboard flavored foods, according to the books' authors, it has only 330 cal., 10 g total fat, 3 g sat. fat., 110 mg chol, 381 mg sodium,, 1 g fiber, so it's safe for a diabetic.

Okay I'll stop there you all gots the picture? This book is great for the price and it is geared for diabetics as well as non diabetics. Yeah man, I'm spreading the word. This book is really good, of course we all need some light to shine on us when we are in darkness, let me be that light on your life if you're a diabetic. Keep learning about your illness, through education and practice you'll do fine, no longer do you need to suffer eating bland foods. Good luck with your journey to complete healing it is up to you and only you to make that change, go on the internet and search for support groups, foodie groups, seek advice from experts that cook for good health. Don't be afraid to ask the waiter to omit something in the pasta you're ordering, keep it up it is your life, so enjoy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


A little lesson on the different cuts of beef, today I'll talk about the Top Round, it is a dry cut of beef, and does not lend well to dry heat methods of cooking such as roasting, grilling, broiling. Though some butcher shops across the U.S. call this cut the London Broil. But in actuality, the cut used in London Broil generally was the flank. 

But the Top Round because it is a cut far from the ribs and the nice marbled regions, this cut is great for braising, or any moist heat types of cooking. Slow cooking methods are perfect, if you can toss a few cubes of Top Round in a Crock Pot with some herbs, stock, water, after a few hours you got a nice juicy beef dish. A lot of grillers including myself look for the rib eyes, strips, sirloins, and never consider stopping at the meat section for a Top Round. I mean just look at it, it looks unappealing. Period.

Okay let's use a Top Round, we'll use about 1 1/2 pounds, and we are going to cut it into 1 1/2 inch cubes or squares.

Season it with salt and pepper and set it aside.

Place all of the beef cubs into the bottom of a slow cooker, add a sprig of thyme, and some rosemary. 

Cut a large potato into 2 inch cubes and place it towards the edge of the pot.

Cut a large carrot into 1 1/2 inch slices and place it around the edges of the pot.

Pour in 1 cup of red wine into the pot.

Pour in 1 can of low sodium beef broth into the pot.

Turn on the slow cooker for about 3 hours, and you'll have a perfect stew. Simple feeds 2.

When I do this, my veggies get all mushy but I don't give a shit, but if you do give a shit, put the veggies in a little later like an 1 1/2 before it is done cooking.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Chicken Hekka (Heh Kah) is a popular local dish that is served up at parties, and generally it is cooked in a large wok, my brother Calvin loves to make this, however on the last dinner we had he added pork and I had to turn away from eating it, I don't do pork any more, I'll cook it if someone loves it, but at this juncture in my life I have to give it a quick "no,"

Here's all the ingredients for this wonderful Japanese inspired dish, everyone in Hawaii has their so called "best recipe" which is fucking bullshit! because if you got the base ingredients its all the fucking same shit!

This is a call for that large wok that's hanging in uncle's garage and the portable gas burner with the full blast BTU flame! Or you can trim it down for a 14 inch wok inside the house and just use 5 oz. of chicken instead of the whole chicken farm.


3 lbs. of chicken thighs, bone off, skin off, cut into strips with a Chinese cleaver, I said Chinese cleaver asshole! Okay sorry maybe a regular kitchen knife.

3 tbsp. peanut oil

1/2 inch ginger minced

20 oz. of sliced bamboo shoots from a can

5 stalks of green onions sliced 1/2 inches

3 carrots sliced thin

4 oz. rehydrated shitake mushrooms sliced

2 long celery stalks sliced into 1 inch

4 oz. of chopped watercress

14 oz. firm tofu sliced into 1/2 inch cubes

4 small packages of fine rice noodles


1/2 cup Kikkoman soy sauce

1/2 cup peanut oil

2 tbsp. mirin and 1 tsp. honey

1 tbsp. minced garlic

1 inch minced ginger

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. black pepper

2 tbsp. arrow root

1 tbsp. brown sugar


3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup Kikkoman soy sauce
3/4 cup canned low sodium chicken broth
1 tsp. tabasco

1. Combine all of the marinade ingredients, and soak the chicken for one hour, I said one hour ass hole! What? You got a problem? Nah.

2. Take all the sliced vegetables and set them aside.

3. Mix the sauce ingredients, and then toss It at your cousins face! No, set it aside.

4. Heat up that large ass wok over high eat, swirl some peanut oil in there with the ginger, now add the chicken pieces and brown it with some marinade got that muchacho? As soon as the fucking chicken is browned, keep that fucking heat up! And then add in the fucking vegetables, and cook for about a minute or two, and then add the fucking sauce and rice noodles and continue to cook until the rice noodles are just cooked, don't cook too long or else the shit will turn all mushy.

Note: Some guys will soak the rice noodles for a little while in some warm water, but why? When that shit cooks fast anyhow, no need to soak the noodles first, that's that culinary school bullshit! Do it my way and have a fucking great Christmas!!!!!!



Bulgogi is a marinade that is typical of all Korean BBQ houses, the primary star ingredients are the soy sauce and sesame oil and garlic. Very simple, it is similar to the Japanese teriyaki sauce, but with less emphasis on the sugar, depending on the region and chef of the Korean influence, I like Bulgogi with a less sweet flavor but more on the nutty side of the sesame oil and seeds.


4 tbsp. soy sauce (I prefer Kikkoman)

1 1/2 tbsp. sesame oil

1 tbsp. sesame seeds

2 cloves of garlic minced

2 tsp. brown sugar

1 tsp. honey

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

1/2 tsp. ground red pepper flakes

1 lb. top sirloin beef, top grade well marbled thinly sliced

1 red bell pepper julliened

1/2 sweet round onion chopped

1 stalk green oninon chopped

Combine all of the ingredients in a glass or stainless steel bowl from the soy sauce to the red pepper flakes and mix it well in a bowl. Then add in the rest of the ingredients, and marinade it overnight for the best soak, or at least 4 hours before grilling.


1. Heat up a gas or charcoal grill to medium high heat. (The meat is sliced thin already, a nice hot grill will sear it and develop a nice char).

2. Cook the slices for about 3-4 minutes per side or until you decide its doneness, what the heck people eat beef raw.

3. Serve it hot with white rice and kim chi.

My favorite for the marinade is Kikkoman Soy Sauce