CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My first experience of eating a churros was at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, a guy was selling it out of a cart. It was like 7 inches long in a piece of waxed paper, it looked fresh and delicious as kids were chomping on it. I just had to get one. I asked the guy, "Whats that twisty looking thing?" He replied, "It's a churros, like a doughnut."

So I gave him some cash that I found in the airport at LAX, it had some puke on it, but I wiped it with some Lysol wipes, it was all G. I took my churros, and ate it. But something was wrong. Shit! I need coffee with this shit! But I settled for a Coke instead since it was summertime, it was kind of hot. But churros was my new found doughnut, it was my new friend, but I could not find this stuff on Maui where I live. Even some Mexican restaurants don't have it. Hmm, churros, how is it made? How? Can any Spanish pastry chef share a recipe with me? Do I have to Google this? That's lame, I want the real stuff. ..Okay I'll have to Google it and see what the heck is in this thing.

Okay, so the ingredients is just all-purpose flour, water, vegetable oil or olive oil, and salt. Easy. And the flour and water mixture needs to be equal amounts, hmm easy enough, but knowing me I'll probably F it up somehow...okay, and to get that ridged form, it is piped using a pastry bag fitted with a star shaped nozzle, okay okay got it.

The oil needs to be at least 400 degrees F. like all deep fried foods until it is crisp. Good. And then it is doused in some sugar, okay got it. Simple enough. I'll try it.

However, I'm not a pastry kind of cook, love to eat it though. Love to eat it, with coffee of course.
COPYRIGHT 2013 ron sambrano media LLC

1 comment:

  1. I've been told -- although I don't know from personal experience -- that in Spain it's usually served with a very thick hot chocolate that you dip the churro in.

    Hey, everything's better with chocolate, right?
