CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, June 20, 2014


Welcome to the blog, the food blog. And for the rest of this summer of 2014, I'll be blogging about food from the islands. So for those of you visiting, we need to get our lingo going, or our lingo on. So before we delve into recipes or local digs that has the best loco moco, we have to get this foodie language down. Here we go.

ono (oh no): delicious, amazing, right on, tastes great!

"Man that mahi plate was huge, and so ono!"

grine (gah rine): to eat, to pig out.

"I'm so hungry, let's go to Zippys and grine!"

broke da mouth (broke the mouth): this is a phrase when something is so delicious it is like an orgasm.

"That meatloaf was broke da mouth!"

mop or mopping: as to grine, to eat, to pig out, to feed your face.

"What you guys doing? Wo mopping some kalua pork eh?"

no shame grine: don't be embarrassed just feed your face and take some food home.

"Eh bring your friends, mom cooked some ono grines, no shame grine!"

what can?: a phrase stating, I'm in your kitchen and I am observing this guava cake you just baked, can I have a slice?

"Pam…ah… you baked this pie? What can?"

cooking the shits: Simply means whoever is cooking awesome food is cooking the shits.

"Uncle's in the back yard grilling steaks and fish, he's cooking the shits!"

There you have it, some local lingo to go with your food.

© 2014

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