CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Yesterday for lunch my buddy Jamie bought me a cheeseburger from L&L Hawaiian BBQ, if you don't know about L&L and you are from Hawaii or close by, where the hell were you on Jupiter? On Mars? Anyhow, a friend buying your lunch is gold baby, gold. I did not know what to eat, so he suggested the cheeseburger and fries.

The platter was huge, when he returned from picking up the food, the weight of the foam box was somewhat heavy and I could tell that this platter was going to be way too filling. And it was. When I opened the box, it was filled with wavy fries, crispy ones, the kind I like. No salt, watching the health. But brother man had filled two ramekins with ketchup and mustard mixed together, perfect!

I mean I was just nibbling on the fries and was getting full. Then I tackled the cheeseburger, must have been 5 oz. of beef, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomatoes, and sweet round onions. Again perfect. I ate half of it, before removing the top bun, the buns are really hefty, I mean you can get full just eating that thing open face. It was delicious, ono, oishi, epic.

So that's what I had yesterday for lunch, L&L does rock the cheeseburger for a local chain Asian dig…not a Teddy's or In N Out, but it is good for what it is.

Until next time.

© 2014

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