CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, June 14, 2014



Ask me if I give a Rat's Ass about wine pairings? Go ahead ask me…I can't hear you guys! Okay I'm just playing around, if I'm cooking for a couple I'll serve the right combination because it is the right thing to do you know what I mean right?
But, as far as being a wine guy I am not him. I want to serve the right wine for the persons I'm cooking for but I'm not a wine guy. I could really give a Rat's ass about wine. You may say.."Ron how dare you, you are in the food or food media business why are you saying that, you'll hurt your own business." Nope I won't hurt anyone's business in fact I'll make sure wine peeps be making bank. Wine is great with food, in fact I love wine, but could give a Rat's ass about pairing it…for myself anyway, just for myself.

Me and someone at a nice dinner.

Waiter: The chef is making an awesome seared ahi with a garlic wasabe aioli, roasted yams with fennel, and to start off a shrimp curry salad. 

My Guest: Oh sounds wonderful I'll have that.

Me: You got prime rib? Like the 24 oz. cut?

Waiter: Yes. and for the chef's special I suggest the 2008 Chard from Gino's Vineyards, it is wonderful with this dish. And for the prime rib, may I suggest a 2010 Merlot from Gino's Cousin's Vineyards?

My Guest: Yes please.

Me: Give me a Coke with lots of ice bro.

There you have it, me at a restaurant, I'm a simple guy. haha.

© 2014

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