CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This could be just me, however when it comes to local grinez here in Hawaii, a plate lunch has to have white rice, sorry that brown crap shouldn't be on a plate lunch. 

Well some people who has diabetes claim that brown rice is better, not the refined white version, well whatever the case may be, I'm still not sold on brown rice on a killer combo plate of tender teriyaki beef and chicken adobo, and delicious mac salad. Really? Brown rice? Just run me over with a tow truck.. no make that reverse the truck after you run me over and back over my head again to certainly kill me!

Eating brown rice with a plate lunch is going to a Rolling Stone's concert and seeing Keith Richard's being replaced by some session's guy. Or it's like going to  KISS concert and Paul Stanley has Tom Petty as a replacement. Or it's like going to an Usher concert but Eminem is there subbing. I can go on and on but I don't want to bore the shit outta you. You get my drift? Okay you do.

Brown rice... man...what a lame ass invention, brown rice. Brown rice is for hippie vegans. Brown rice is for people that are stuck up on a health kick. It's for hospitals that serve tasteless I said, you may as well shoot me or something. Don't ever cook for me killer lau laus and serve me brown rice. Don't cook me epic beef stew, with the fatty brisket and serve me brown rice, how dare you! Brown rice. Brown rice is like the nice kid on the same street as you but you don't want him hanging with you and your other cool friends..brown rice c'mon. 

Okay I'll think about it. I seriously will! 

© 2015

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