CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Some days you just want something old school. Something totally delicious, comforting, and you got your girlfriend with you. You hop in your 1995 Honda Civic with all the moldings coming off, and then you both drive to Eddie's Diner (fictitious for blogging purposes).

Once you're there you are greeted by the lovely and longtime employee at the counter Jolynn, yep, good old Jo girl is the best. Friendly as ever, has her own family, and by golly gee whizz, she sings in the church choir. And the cook and owner is Eddie, tattoos on his forearms, in his mid forties, has a gut, likes to use the F word constantly, loves the Green Bay Packers, cold Budweiser, and strippers, by the way for this creative writing Eddie is divorced and his wife took the house but left him with the run down grungy diner. However, Eddie makes the best meatloaf, best chicken pot pie, best roast pork, best all beef hamburgers, and best steak omelets for breakfast. There's always a line come six to seven in the morning, and then it slows down only to pick up again around eleven thirty to one in the afternoon for lunch. Eddie is closed for dinners now days.

Okay where was I? Oh yeah so you and your girl is ordering two plates. Your girl Hannah orders the meatloaf with mash and a green salad and a Coke. You order the double bacon and mushroom cheeseburger with a large side of fries and two of Eddies delicious pancakes he serves all day. You sit and chat, as patrons stand in line... You don't know what Eddie's kitchen looks like, because if you did? You'd run for the hills! But the food is the best in town. Little do you know, Eddie takes a dump and washes his hands for only three seconds. He's never called the pest control hence roaches run rampant. And his diner is so out of the way and no one complains, the health inspector doesn't even make it out to Eddie's. But man the food taste good. Conclusion? What you don't know won't hurt, but enjoy!

When in Las Vegas, stop in at the Heart Attack Grill for awesome burgers. Yes their restaurant is clean and very much so.

© 2015

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