CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Back to the TP Sirloin, or Top Sirloin. If you saw my post last week, I did the top sir, and it was awesome. Can't beat a tender slice of meat. But you can beat your meat hahahahaha! Me make a jokey, hahahahaha! I'm trying to laugh off a miserable day folks, the Dodgers lost to the D Backs in Arizona today. Oh well, I hope come October they'll be solid. I am bloody tired of saying, "Next year!" Shit been saying that since the last championship, that was 1988. Ha!

Back to the Top Sir, man it's fun trimming it down, taking all the scraps and frying it up for the doggies. And the doggies loves them some TP Sirloin folks, yes they do.

I'm just farting around today on the blog, my mind is tired, my body is aching. I really don't know if I can be a kitchen dude any longer. This shit can hurt. I'm telling all you young culinary students. Learn how to flip houses! Learn how to invest in real estate. Really, you want to work in a bloody kitchen? Ooooookay... whatever! You'll learn, you will learn. And when I'm 90 and you're like in your 50s, and you say, "Shit Uncle Ron, my back and hips are killing me! All these bloody hours in the kitchen, this chef thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be Uncle Ron." And I'll be there with poop in my pants going, "I told you so sonny! What did I say? But you didn't listen, all you young ones think you know it all. Now your back is hurting, and your legs and hips, you put in a lot of hours, you gotta baby sit the stupid staff, guys calling in sick because the surfs up, ahhhhh, I told you so!"

Short post huh? OK, hope I made you smile, or laugh. Here's a picture of my Top Sirloin, with a teri sauce brushed over it before I sliced it.

Melts in your mouth my friends!

© 2017

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