CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Test kitchen once again, being away from the kitchen for some time I developed a lot of rust. It really is frustrating. The stuff I could do with my eyes closed, my nose all stuffy, my senses dull, I could still pull off the things that seemed easy once upon a time. However now is now, and the rust is really sticking to my joints if you get my drift. My chili garlic chicken was way too salty! Nothing is going right at the moment in the kitchen department.

I marinated bite size pieces of chicken thighs with sesame oil, white pepper, and some sherry. In the wok some vegetable oil, a bit of minced garlic and ginger. A simple dish anyone can do. Well, I began stir frying the chicken, mid way through the cooking process, I added a little more sesame oil, and a few shots of oyster sauce, a dash of soy sauce and then some garlic and chili paste from Kum Kee. Easy right? I didn't want it sweet so I omitted the sugar or any sweetener. It was smelling awesome when everything was rendering out in the wok. But when I plated it, and tasted it. Holy _______ shit! It's too damned salty! OK I think I didn't need to add the soy sauce. You know what? I really don't know if I by accident added some Kirkland sea salt. Oh well, someone will eat it. There's always the guinea pigs lurking around the house. Move forward man, let it go... I been striking out lately. I was once that Major League slugger that belted a homer in every game. lol, but now I'm having trouble hitting the ball off of the tee. Wish me luck, pray for me. Man this sucks!

Chili Garlic Chicken with white rice

The Yay :) or Nay :(  scale

1. Satisfied I finished the dish- Yay :)
2. Handling of the hot wok- Yay :)
3. Satisfied with the rice cooker- Yay :)
4. Quality of the chicken- Yay :)
5. Quality of the chili garlic paste- Yay :)
6. Overall satisfaction with final product- Nay :(

Number 6 is the main item on the scale, because it was not how I imagined it to be, total disappointment. However the Yays are important too, but it's like a baseball team doing great in the regular season and lose the league championship.

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