CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, August 12, 2017


In this blog post I'll do a recipe, simple to make, it's a chicken breast with lemon butter. Easy, and in some way, it can be healthy if using an organic or all natural chicken breast, and organic butter. We are not going to go heavy on sodium on this one, we will let all the natural juices take care of the flavor.

This is to watch the gout attacks, all you will need is a 12" stainless steel skillet with a cover and a sharp knife as the tools, and just scroll down for the ingredients.



1- whole skinless and boneless chicken breast (use a sharp knife to score the thick part of the breast)

1 sprig rosemary

6 cloves of garlic minced

1 shallot minced

1 tbsp. vegetable oil 

1/2 cup chicken broth

1/2 cup white wine

1 bay leaf (dried)

1 tsp. white pepper


1 stick unsalted butter softened

1 small lemon (juice squeezed out)

1/2 tsp. turmeric 

1 dash of salt


1. sprinkle the white pepper over the chicken breast, bring to room temperature about 15-20 minutes

2. Place skillet over medium high heat, with vegetable oil, add in the minced garlic and minced shallot cook until aroma is present. 

3. Add in the chicken breast, (where the skin should be is up), make certain that the chicken is evenly set on the skillet. Cover, turn heat down to medium low. Cook for about 15 minutes, then uncover.

4. Add in sprig of rosemary, chicken broth, white wine, and the bay leaf. Cover and simmer over low heat for about 35 minutes.

Note: As the chicken breast is simmering, prepare the lemon butter.

Lemon Butter

Take the softened butter, and place it in a stainless steel mixing bowl, or a glass bowl. Using a wooden spoon, stir it into a creamy texture, making sure that the butter does not break down into oil, it must remain intact not into a liquid form. If you need to, place butter back into the refrigerator to stop the butter from turning into liquid. 

Add in the lemon juice, turmeric, and salt, and stir lightly so the lemon juice is infused into the butter. Again making sure that the butter does not turn into a liquid. Set lemon butter over ice remaining in the bowl. Also make sure that the butter does not get too stiff, it must remain in a creamy texture, this will take time to master, but you'll get the hang of it.

Back to the chicken breast.

5. When the time is up, turn off the heat. Uncover the skillet, and place the chicken breast onto a cutting board to rest. 

6. All the flavorful liquid that's on the bottom of the pan will be strained, to remove the bits of herbs and any burnt bits. Keep the liquid. Return the skillet to the stove top and over medium high heat, stir up the liquid, cook it until it reduces to about 1/2. 

7. Get a platter with some depth, add in the reduced sauce. (Then using a sharp knife, slice the chicken breast in half. Then slice each have into 1/4 inch thick slices. Place the slices nicely into the platter over the sauce.

8. Take the lemon butter, and put half of it on one half of each breast. 

Serve with veggies or mashed potatoes.

© 2017

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