CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Saturday, August 12, 2017


In this blog I'll be giving you all a recipe for gluten free Pineapple Cream Pie, for those of you that can't or do not want any gluten in your diet. I got this recipe from the latest issue of GLUTEN FREE and MORE Magazine however I tweaked it a little, but if you want the one from the magazine, just click the link above.

First of all what is gluten? It is a substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. A mixture of two proteins, it causes illness in people with celiac disease.

So here is my take on Pineapple Cream Pie (Pineapple Dream Pie, Gluten Free and More Magazine Aug/Sept 2017 issue, page 60).


 1 cup finely crushed gluten-free graham crackers (In magazine)
 3 tbsp. sugar (In magazine)
 2 tbsp. butter or dairy-free alternative, melted, more as needed (In magazine
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon (Mine)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg (Mine)

 1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple in 100% juice, undrained (In magazine)
 1 (13.5 ounce) can coconut cream (In magazine)
 3 tbsp. Mayhaw jelly (Mine)
 1 tsp. vanilla extract (Mine)
 1 tsp. raw sugar (Mine)

1. Preheat oven to 350 deg F (In magazine)
2. Mix the graham crackers, sugar, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, then spread it on a greased 9" springform pie pan. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from oven and cool completely
3. Make the filling, blend all of the ingredients together, then pour into the cooled pan with crust. 
4. Freeze for about 3-4 hours until firm. If the pie is solid, let stand about 20 minutes at room temperature to soften a little before slicing.

This is a springform pan, it comes in different sizes. 

Once the filling is set, simply detach the ring.

Gluten Free and More Magazine is a very informational magazine publication to get ideas for y our gluten free cooking. I suggest this magazine be read.

© 2017

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