CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Thank you social media, thank you chefs, thank you foodies. In this blog post I'll be talking about Chimichurri. What is it? Where did originate from? Is it difficult to make, does Krafts make it? So why is this sauce or marinade so huge? I don't know. I tried it a few times in some local restaurants, it's OK, I won't go out of my way to ask for it. But here's the run down on this thing.

Chimichurri has its origins from Central and South America. It is made from chopped parsley, minced garlic, vegetable oil, oregano, and white vinegar. Like some kind of pesto almost. Well, that's my thinking what the ____ck do I know right? OK, so this sauce can be made with a green color (verde), or red (rojo). In Uruguay, the red pepper flakes dominates the flavoring.  However, chefs from all over add whatever they want to it, from olive oil, cumin, thyme, lemon, basil, cilantro, bells, tomatoes. I mean shit, you can do whatever the ____ck you want with it.

Chimichurri Verde over skirt steak
Photo from Google

OK, I like it. But again, I'm not going out of my way to search for this shit. If I'm in a restaurant, and the waiter says, "Sir, we have an awesome ribeye with some chimichurri." I'd say, "Put that chimi shit on the side in a ramekin, don't even drizzle it on the ribeye. I mean how many times have some chef drizzled his best concoction of a sauce over a fine piece of beef or fish, and ____cked it up? For me, one too many times. Let me taste it, if it's OK, I'll dip the protein into it. If not forget it, get me some A1 buddy! Hey I'm just being real.

Sorry no recipe, you got to be a complete airhead to not figure this out. Just look at all the ingredients I've just written, play with it, stick it in a blender and go for it. Or go online and look for recipe. Sorry for my attitude problem on this one, it's just something I do like, but at the same time don't give a shit about. Haha.

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