CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, August 4, 2017


Today was a grueling day in the kitchen. I came to a conclusion, and that is, I may have to resort to purchasing well made sauces. Why? It takes too much time to make some sauces no matter how easy it is. For instance, making a teriyaki sauce basically calls for soy sauce, garlic, ginger, scallions, brown sugar or honey. And of course every cook or chef has his or her concoction rendering my product useless. Everyone's stuff is better than the other guy right? Well, making a teriyaki sauce from scratch at a gig is too much work. Prepping a sauce before a gig is too much work. With so many great products out there all ready made, why not use those? I mean if someone wants me to make sauces from scratch, it will cost them. Hence I see nothing wrong with ready made sauces for gigs. The only thing that I should be doing at a gig, is cutting the proteins, and veggies, and or fruits, that's it. Making sauces should be left to the sauce guy. I this case it would a very good ready made sauce from a well to do sauce maker.

OK, some sauces you got to make from scratch, and I don't mind doing it. Like the egg based sauces, Hollandaise, Béarnaise, Mayonnaise, stuff like that. But when I got to make a kalbi marinade, or a teriyaki? Get real. Sorry guys, if you hire me, some Asian blends are going to be store bought to save time. I'm not trying to cut corners, or being lame on you all. But the time is a factor thing. I don't want to spend time crushing garlic and ginger, simmering the soy sauce, and adding a thickening agent while whisking. There's better things to do. I mean, do most chefs buy ketchup or do they make it? Do they make their own mustard or do other buy it? Do they make their own soy sauce? Do they make their own sesame seed oil? Ah now you feel me? You hear what I'm trying to say? Yes now you do I hope. Some sauces are meant to be purchased, while others are made to be hand crafted, with love. So those Asian sauces, I'll just buy it, and use it. If someone gripes, well, sorry. I'll do some sauces, but not those that when you mix all the ingredients, it's filled with additives anyway. 

Teriyaki sauce, raw sugar, soy sauce (heavily manufactured and bad for the health, garlic and ginger you have to smash and mince. There's a lot of great Asian sauces you can just purchase and start cooking awesome dishes. Yeah I made my decision. No more making Asian sauces, just buy the damned thing. OK, enough of my old man's rant. Take care folks.

© 2017

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