CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


I'm sitting in Barnes & Noble in the cafe drinking coffee, and using their free wifi, and enjoying the nice feel of the air-conditioning. Lahaina is hot! Sweaty. Not good, I wasn't born for sweat haha. 

I went to the food and wine section to get ideas on what to blog about, and I got a copy of the 2018 All-Island Restaurant Guide from HONOLULU MAGAZINE. I mean, I love to cook, you know simple things. My late-brother Harold was the real chef in the family and he was classically trained. He used to get on my case all the time, "You are sloppy!" "Move faster!" Well, I could not hack being that kind of a chef, although he saw great potential in me, and even went as far to make his connections in the culinary education sector. He told me he would send me to the best schools to learn to become a trained chef. Being lazy, I said, "Nah dude." What an idiot! What a dumb _______! Right? Oh well, it wasn't my calling I guess.

Now skimming through this edition, I could not help but see the ad on Chef Roy Yamaguchi of Roy's fame. He continues to blow my mind, he's always doing something different. And he's also a drummer too. Well I think he still plays. I remember a t.v. commercial featuring chef and he was playing the drums, really cool I thought. I like this cat, he's an awesome chef, businessman, and he plays the drums! That drum thing was more impressive than that oozing chocolate dessert he had in Kahana.

I suggest getting this issue if you are looking for unique dining in Hawaii,
the staff did a great job putting this together.

Chef Roy down in the farm, many chefs are farming these days,
my bro Chef Mark Ellman in Lahaina, Maui who is a rock star
chef in his own right, is a household name on Maui and internationally has a farm in Lahaina as well.

When a chef can have a whole page ad like this, he's doing something right,
as for Yamaguchi that's like three plus decades!

When I was turning the pages of this issue, I came across some really awesome looking photos, the creativity of these veteran and up and coming chefs is amazing, as well as some local businesses that are rolling the dice on expanding business concepts. Take for instance, Tamura's. A local grocer for decades, and known for their specialty wines, Tamura's has hit gold many times over. Now they are in the restaurant/bar business with their The Edge By Tamura's.  Local inspired cuisine, the photos of their restaurant looks classy.  Or the KOA TABLE on the Big Island. There's just articles, and short heads-up on where to go for quality dining around the whole state of Hawaii.

But back to Roy Yamaguchi, he is the man. The God Father of doing things right, quality, attention to detail, huge success. That's the American way, passion for what you do, and banking it. Imagine the amount of people his company employs. I look at that more than anything. A man's vision that expands the world, and employs people, and also gives them first class opportunities. That is God's law, let your talent shine for the whole world to see!

© 2017

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