CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


In this blog post I will attempt to be a story teller. I've been in the food service business, and I understand the people that hang out at bars. This piece is entitled "Death After The Bar."

Kyle & his girlfriend Shyla are going to a graduation party 30 miles out of town. It will be sundown when they reach the party. Both of them are 18, just a few weeks ago they both graduated from high school, and in a few weeks, Kyle will go for basic training in the Army. Shyla will leave for a small college in Oregon.

Meanwhile, in a bar Rick sits watching television, the Padres and Diamond Backs are on. The bartender is a pretty little blonde, her name is Trish. Rick is a regular there. He recently got into a law suit, someone is suing him for a large sum of money, some business that went bad. To make matters worse, his wife of 5 years and the mother of their 2 year old was fooling around on him with his best friend, divorce is coming. Needless to say, he is depressed.

"Hey Rick how you doing?" asks Trish.
"OK, just feeling sick."
"Hey hang in there, I tell you what the first two, is on me."
"You don't have to do that."
"I insist."

Trish gets out a glass with some ice, and pours Rick some bourbon. He takes the drink, and nurses it while he watches the game.

Back to Kyle and Shyla, they arrive at the graduation party. Lots of kids all the same age, and in the same situation, ready for the real world, hugs and kisses, hand shakes all around as music is playing from a pair of loud speakers, a DJ was hired. Hawaiian style reggae music sets the tone, sets the mood, it is a happy occasion.

Kyle shakes hands with Ryan another friend from another school, both of them will be heading to basic training together. "Eh Kyle, nice seeing you and Shyla."

"Nice to see you too bro, can't believe we are out of school, and in a few heading for basics."
"Yes I can't wait. Time to leave this small town."
"I hear you man, I was waiting for this day for a long time."
"Long time."
"I'll miss my family though."
"Yeah me too even if I fight a lot with my pops."
"Your dad was in Vietnam?"
"Yep, he was a private in the Marines, he saw people die."
"He's a strong man."
"He did lots of drugs, now I understand why... I understand why my mom left him. I was pissed off a lot growing up. But I can't blame him or change things."
"You did good bro, you graduated."
"I did. I'm proud."
"You know that."

Back at the bar, Rick is now on his second bourbon on the house, in his mind no one can see what he is seeing, he sees pain, he sees betrayal. He sees things that he didn't want to see.

How the hell did this shit all happen to me? I'm a good man. I provide for my family, I gave all I had to my wife, and then she fools around on me with my best friend. I'm getting sued by some asshole, some made up shit, it is costing me just to retain a lawyer. I'm going broke, I'm washed up I can see it. I'll be like all those divorced guys looking shabby. Maybe homeless shit!

Back at the graduation party, all the kids are eating their dinners, no alcohol is being served, the chaperones are strict, that this party was going to be honest, drug and alcohol free for obvious reasons. Kyle's cousin Thomas was killed in a car wreck just a year ago by a drunk driver. And yes the drunk lived to see more days. Thomas was killed instantly, leaving behind a baby girl and a wife. So no drinking at this party. 

"I can't wait to see Oregon in the winter, " says Shyla to her friend Mika. "I'm crazy... I just never experienced cold weather. My cousin that lives in Seattle says that the weather is similar. It will be a change.

"Yeah you'll freeze girl. Me I'll be warm all the time I think, " says Mika. She will be going to school in Southern California at another small college. 

"You'll do good Mika. Can't believe we are doing this, leaving this small town. Just think, what will it be like in ten years? We'll be like 28, maybe married with kids."

Mika laughs, "Imagine, 28 married with kids? That's crazy."
"You'll make a good mommy Mika.

"You'll be a good mom and wife too Shyla. You think Kyle will ask you to marry him? What if you fall in love with another guy in Oregon?"

"No, Kyle and I, we will one day. It was meant to be."
"High school sweeties."
"Yeah I guess so."
The two girls laugh and start to tell more what if stories.

Back in the bar, two hours went by and Rick is getting drunk. Trish is concerned that Rick had too much to drink already. "Hey Rick, you OK? I got to cut you off dude sorry OK?"

"OK Trish, I know."
"Hey you need me to call you a cab?"
"Nah, I'm fine."
"Hold on, I'll make you some coffee to go."
Rick waves her off, and tosses some cash on to the bar, "Keep the change Trish, you are a sweetheart, maybe you and I can hook up when my wife takes all that I have, and that shit heads sues the savings out of me."
"Thanks Rick, drive safe."

Rick stumbles out of the bar, he is not OK to drive. His head is spinning, he can't think straight, lots of emotions going through his mind and soul, and his heart is heavy. Not a good mixture. In fact the booze did not help numb his pain it only made things worse. Six glasses of bourbons, six mugs of beer, he is feeling a little buzzed.

Not done Rick drives to the local gas mart to get some gas and a 12 pack. He walks inside and pays for the gas and the beer. As he pumps the gas a friend sees him. It is a friend on his old softball team, Dean. Dean loves to snort cocaine, he offers Rick a few lines. Dean pulls his truck right behind Ricks car, Rick enters the passenger seat of Dean's truck, and both of them snort a few lines.

"Hey man, sorry to hear about your old lady," says Dean. "What a bitch eh?"
"I'm not worried about that, I got to move on."
"You look like shit man. I got some Jack Daniels in the back, you want some swigs?"
"Yeah, I'll take a few swigs with some beer chasers."
After a few minutes at the pump, Rick feels high, the rush of the cocaine and the warmth of the Jack Daniels, he makes his way to his car, and he is on his way home. Dean shakes his hand, and he is off to his house.

Back at the party, it is getting late, and time for the kids to pack up, say goodbye, and head for their homes. Kyle and Shyla need to drive almost an hour back home. It is almost 10:30 pm, still rather early, but the drive back will be down the hill, and it is dark, not too much street lights.

"Hey Kyle and Shyla, I'll see you guys soon," says Ryan.
"See you soon bro, " says Kyle. Shyla gives Ryan a hug. Mika says her goodbyes as well as countless other kids. 

Kyle and Shyla gets into Kyle's car and starts to make their way down the hill. Kyle is happy, he holds Shyla's hands, two young love birds, ready for adulthood. They have their whole life ahead of them. Shyla wants to have kids someday, and her dream is to be the mother of Kyle's children, and to be his wife. Kyle wants to be her husband and the father of her kids. Old fashion one might suppose for today's standards. Kyle's parents love Shyla, and Shyla's parents love Kyle. It is a match made in heaven. God wants them to grow, and learn about life and themselves, and when they finally are together, they will be mature and ready for marriage and becoming parents. The military will make a man out of Kyle, and college will make a woman out of Shyla. Both are very happy because they have a dream, and they are living it, right now at this very moment.

Meanwhile in Rick's car, he has another bottle of booze, a cheap bottle of Smirnoff vodka he picked up from a small liquor shop. He turns up his car's stereo up full blast, AC/DC's Highway to Hell is playing. He feels groggy. The music helps him stay awake.

I can't handle this, I'm a good guy. Why should I live any longer? Why? God why? I'm totally _____cked! I can't stand to see my wife with him. My friend? Betrayed, he betrayed, she betrayed me! Shit! Shit!

Rick steps on the gas, he is now heading up the hill, it is dark, no street lights to guide him, his vision is blurry, he is driving recklessly, his right wheels are going off of the pavement. He nearly runs head on to another car. His speedometer shows 80, 90, and then 100 plus miles per hour. Another rock song comes on it is Paranoid from Black Sabbath. Rick is out of control!

Back in Kyle's car, the music is low coming from the CD player, a Whitney Houston song is on, Shyla is closing her eyes, tired from a whole day with her girlfriends surfing, diving, and having fun. She is tired. Kyle remains focused on the road. He is going the speed limit 45 mph.

Rick is losing his mind, still reckless, he notices the full moon making its way out of the clouds. He decides to turn off his headlights and let the moon guide him.

Yeah! Full moon! This is great, I'm flying and feeling free right now, feeling good....


8 days later. A Priest presides over the mahogany caskets at a cemetery. "May the Lord forgive these two children of their sins, may Kyle and Shyla enter the gates of Heaven forever and rest in peace. May the Lord comfort their families during this time of grief. In the name of the Father, The son, and The Holy Ghost, Amen...

© 2017

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