CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


In this blog post, I'm just offering a commentary on food prices, and the cost of living. It is becoming totally insane. There are hard working families out there that after high rents, and other bills cannot afford to buy a decent sack of groceries.

Sure one may say, "Well, you should have learned a valuable skill so that you could make more money." True that. Very true indeed. Well to some extent. As I grow older, yeah dudes I'm getting up there at 54 years old. I ain't no young fella no more. But I know of lots of families here on Maui island that are struggling to buy food. I know of one family where the guy makes close to six figures a year, and his wife does well. They got three kids in high school and grade school. Because of work and school, they got car payments, gas and insurance too. Mortagage, home insurance, health care. So-they are barely making it. Sure, OK... I get it... maybe they should have planned better. That's not the point. The point is, reality is, prices are going to rise for everything. Especially here on Maui island where our foods are shipped via barge, and then trucked to market. Cost goes up.

Did you know a lot of working families do frequent food banks? Times have always been rough and tough for families since the beginning of time. Especially families that don't have passivie incomes. OK again, this isn't a blog on "Hey make smarter money." It's just the reality of high cost of foods. Good healthy foods.

Still to this day, families are feeding kids that $1.50 menu from Micky D's. Up .50 cents from 10 years ago! Can't blame them. Or buying a case of Vienna sausage to last a month. Life isn't easy for the less than middle class, whatever that means! So I'm not blaming the rich and wealthy for this, or the powers that be. I'm just trying to touch on the human side of it all. Compassion for those in need, that are actually working and putting in their time. I'm not giving one cent to low lifes that are homeless, and all they want to do is ask for handouts when they can work. That's a low life man. If some person can walk for miles, and ask for handouts at every stripmall parking lot, sorry. Go to work. I'm not giving you a cent. Unless someone is really trying. Maybe struggling because of an illness. OK I got a buck for ya. But man, having compassion for those who are really trying. You know?

I've blogged similar posts on this expensive food subject before, but with the holidays in full swing for 2018- I had to again. If you can help someone that is trying to get better, and needs a sack of food for a day, or just a steak to share with his family. Man that would be a total blessing. So with that said. We all know that it is expensive at the supermarkets. We do have deals yes we do. But overall, the goods, the primo goods are out of reach for most people. OK maybe everyone should go to Robert Kiosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad seminar, of course. But food is expensive, so have compassion. Or not. It's up to you.

© 2018

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