CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Here is another rant on why we don't have good diners in West Maui. For one, leases are stupid high! And f... landlords are pure evil bastards! Let's just say a diner makes a gazzillion every month. Then the landlord will want another 20-30% on top of that. Or something like that. I mean, they are just f... sharks! So if anyone comes to Maui and wonders why we don't have really good family oriented diners, that's one main reason. In the old days, most mom and pop diners were owned and operated by family, and the family owned the land and buildings they were in. Not now! Far from it. Everyone tells me, "Ron open your own diner brah you can cook." Well me and everyone else is good, we are a dime a dozen you know? But where the f... are we gonna set up shop? Where? How many plates of food do we need to sell? Are we going to have ample parking? Will I need to hire more people? Fire people? Re-locate in a few years because the asshole landlord sold the property? All these factors come into play on Maui. It's for the rich period! It's the facts. Plain and simple. So I ain't gonna open a diner even if you held a Glock 9mm to my head. I'd tell ya to do me a favor and pull the trigger! Seriously. It's totally insane. Now, if I had a good financial backer, that may be a different story. But at my age, I don't want to deal with that shit. I wanna be free man! Not chained to some f... debt. And hard labor. By the way, kitchen work is hard stuff folks.

© 2018

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