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Friday, November 23, 2018


Thanksgivning Day 2018 on Maui. It was a day of relaxing and watching 3 NFL games. Started the morning with a cup of black coffee, no sweeteners. Got to see the doctor because she's concerned about my sugar level, it comes with age I guess. Got me some eggs, and a couple of sausage. OK, not the healthiest with the sausage but hey what you want me to do? I also got the morning paper, read the sports page first. Gonzaga beat Duke in basketball for the championship of the Maui Jim Maui Classic, that is played like a few blocks from the house. 

So as I sat watching the games, I also started to think. About life in general. So this post will be good for reposting any day of the year not just during the holidays. The last few months have been disastrous for many people. There are fires, hurricanes, other man made drama that left people without. On Maui we had our share of drama, hurricanes and fires. Displaced people without homes. You know I could be that, I mean without. But totally blessed I am, I really should be thinking like the rest of these people that are brave, and stand out alone to make a difference in life. You know, the father and husband who not only works his ass off and takes care of his family, but goes out and volunteers his talents to help others in need. Maybe we should all be like that. Even when there's no disasters, to be that one that says, "Hey-when the sky starts tumbling down, stand by me." Like that song from 1961. Great songs from the past. Lyrics that were more human related. 

Thanksgiving should be an everday thing, to be thankful for what we do have, not complain about what we don't have, or because certain things did not pan out for us. Just press on. Yeah- press on. 

Yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner was one to remember. Went to a brother's house. And his kids cooked. Well one in particular, my niece did all of it. From roasting a prime rib, and turkey. To some other items that was just gourmet (ish). There weren't many there, for some relatives went on holiday trips overseas, some decided to stay home and not do the drive. But it was nice. Enjoyable. Lots of love. Lots of food. Got to see some new aditions to the family, a few more babies that was nice. If mother Peggy was alive, she would be smothering those babies with lots of love. I get a little depressed during the holidays. You know, mom's not here, dad's not here, my brother Harold too. All gone from this earth. But I try to be in the moment, and enjoy who is here. We all should. Although the holidays, it's hard sometimes. Maybe if I think about it too much.

I hope that in the future, we all will be thankful for what we have. Be good to each other, and assist when we can when other's need us. And not beat ourselves up because we did not pull through, we are only human, and we aren't perfect. We can only try our best. So with that, I'll be posting more food stuff soon, recipes, interesting stories. My goal is to reach 1 million page views by the end of 2019! So take care people, my fellow foodies. Cook good food, share it with someone. And God Bless you all. And if you don't believe in God, I meant only good. So have a good one if you don't believe in God. Just enjoy each other, be with love and not hate, how's that then? OK- go on with life.

© 2018

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