CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful. However, there was this Thanksgiving a few years ago that was totally special. I was humbled. You see, I really never had it tough. I never starved. Was never homeless. I always had, if you know what I mean. Holidays were always filled with family and friends, and lots of food. Somehow, someway, we always had an abundance of food. Even after my parents died, and my brother Harold who was the real chef. Holidays continued with lots of love and food.

Several years ago, a buddy of mine Brian invited me to have a Thankgiving afternoon meal. Not really a dinner, but a meal. He understood that later that evening I was going to go to my brother's place for dinner. Brian wasn't wealthy, he was an everyday guy, good hearted, loved sports. He was a true all natural foodie. As much as he could he was into being vegetarian and vegan. If that makes any sense. So at his studio apartment, it was him, myself and a buddy of his. There was an NBA game on, but we watched it on his old laptop. He didn't have much of a kitchen, he had a stove, and a sink. But what he fed us, was what he had. What he could only afford. We ate some baked beans, and other vegetables from cans. To me that day, was truly special. Brian didn't have a large income. But his heart was large. He even told me that it wasn't much. But I repeated myself several times, that it was plenty. His offering was huge. That day, I saw what a true person is. A man, offering what he has. By accepting his invitation, as a friend, and brother. I made his Thanksgiving special as well. Imagine if I didn't show up, and his buddy didn't show up. He'd be by himself. 

What I'm getting at is, in this world we live in. We judge people. I know I do, it's some stupid human thing I guess. But, man.. Brian fed us with what he could afford, and guess what? It was good man! Great! I got full, I didn't leave his apartment still hungry. I was full. And the food was healthier than what I usually eat.

So my friends, on this Thanksgiving, be thankful. If you are invited to a dinner, be thankful. If it's roasted turkey, prime rib, raw fish, and lots of spirits. Or a meal, that someone could only afford small items. Be thankful. Be humbled. Because I'll always remember that day at Brian's. It was simple. Low cost. But it was the best Thanksgiving I had in a long time. 

© 2018

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