CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Sunday, December 30, 2018


Hi again my foodies, on this post we'll continue to talk about lowering your sugar blood levels as well as your sodium levels. As you all know, or if you didn't. I do have a high blood pressure issue that is pretty serious. I'm trying my best to reduce the top and bottom numbers with the help of medication. High BP is serious, as it can lead to stroke, heart attacks and who knows what else. So is high sugar levels, don't want to be a diabetic, and if you are. I'm your light. Let's all get healthy together. Life ain't easy! No it's not. Life is worth living. The narrow road is good, stay the course. The wide one leads to all kinds of nonsense and trouble. Stay the course even when it seems to be so difficult that you want to quit. No, don't quit. Never ever quit! I mean that.

In this simple recipe using chicken, cauliflower, orange and garlic it will not have any processed sugars, or added salts. Nothing.

INGREDIENTS makes 4 servings

4 skinless halves of chicken breasts, bone off, all natural or organic

8 cloves of garlic

1 large orange, peeled, and all parts separated
1 head of cauliflower, tops trimmed, part of stems sliced in half

White pepper to taste

Spike seasonings to taste

Onion powder to taste

Garlic powder to taste

Nutritional yeast to taste


In a 12 inch non-stick skillet, add a 1 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then lower to medium low. Add in the garlic and the 4 chicken breast halves. Cover and cook for about 5 minutes. Then add in the orange pieces. Cover skillet, lower heat. Cook until the orange has softened considerably. 

Once the orange has softened, add in the cauliflower, cover, and cook until just tender. Add all seasonings one at a time, taste until you feel the flavors are just right.

Serve with brown rice or beans. Enjoy.

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