CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


It's the start of a new year. In my previous posts I said that I would devote this blog towards cooking, and eating more healthy. And that doesn't mean that we can't eat some of the stuff we think we can't. So in this post, I won't be creating any recipes. However, I'll just give you an idea on how to eat throughout the day. Keeping your blood sugar low, as well as your sodium levels low as well. If you have diabetes or borderline, and hypertension, this can give you some ideas on how to eat balanced meals.

Breakfast. The start of the day. If you love coffee, have a decaf, low fat cream, and go easy on brown sugar. Or use stevia an all natural sweetener. You can also juice your own fruits to use as sweeteners in your coffee. What you want is to minimize your processed sugars. So if you juice an apple or an orange which is natural, it will be 100 times better than using white sugar or an artificial sweetener. Cook some egg whites, omit the yolks. Eat an all-grain piece of bread instead of white. Use real butter sparingly, unsalted. Eat just a couple ounces of sausage if you want it. Eat organic cereals. Drink lots of water. Use organic condiments. When eating out, try and find an eatery that can cater to your healthy eating needs. Some restaurants will fill your request for some alterations on their menu. Such as taking out the yolk from the eggs. Or possibly adding garlic powder instead of salt to a dish. Just ask around. Once you find a place that can cater to your eating needs, stick with them, get to know the staff and take care of them. They will take care of you, and you will build a lasting relationship.

Lunch. You love that double cheeseburger. Well, maybe eat a single regular hamburger. Minus the top bun. Lay off the condiments that can be salty or sweet. Instead of french fries, request fresh veggies, like carrot sticks, or celery sticks. Or maybe steamed veggies. You love pizza for lunch? Eat only half of what you normaly eat. Just start slow. Don't go cold turkey. You love that Pepsi or Coke? Drink flavored water instead. Ask the waiter to get you ice water, and some fruit that you can add into it. Pasta? Eat half. Lay off the garlic bread. You get the idea.

Dinner. Like the other meals, use common sense. You love steak? OK, eat it, but minus the heavy sodium stuff that you may put on it. Like steak sauces, or butter sauces. Use different flavored all natural powders, like garlic powder, or onion powder. Eat more veggies instead of that baked potato. If you have to eat rice, ask for brown or wild rice. Salads? Lay off the mayonnaise based dressings, or the egg and creamy ones. Opt for the olive oil and vinegar based dressings. Seafood? Steamed is good, go easy on butter, season it with less salt. Use fruit jucies to flavor.

Desserts. Ask for low sugar baked goods, or diabetic friendly ice creams, even if you are not diabetic, it helps you to keep your blood sugars low. If you have to eat that chocolate cake that's straight up regular and loaded with all the Devil's concoctions, eat a quarter of it, and drink lots of water. 

I think you get the idea. Don't over eat, keep that salt shaker from being held. Do not drink high fructose drinks. If you really can't get healthy foods, I mean just can't find it. Then you are forced to eat the bad stuff or starve. But have some good healthy snacks handy throughout the day. If you carry a briefcase to work or a backpack, stuff some organic protein bars in there. Or make home lunch. Again if you have to eat at the burger joint, eat a regular hamburger, minus the top bun. Drink water instead of sodas. Eat fresh veggies instead of french fries. You get the picture.

If you are feeling different from normal, if your heart rate is up, you feel light headed, dizzy. Anything that makes you say to yourself that something is not right. Please go and see your doctor, or go the emergency room. With some health insurance you may be limited in what kinds of tests you can get due to cost. Whatever the case, you need to find out some way to make your health a priority. Find some insurance online, or talk to your county or state health departments that can guide you to getting some assistance.

HAPPY 2019 Foodies!

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