CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Eating healthy is very simple, by eating all natural whole foods and meats, lean, low in sodium and sugars, you'll do pretty good. And right now in this point of my life, it's all about being simple. Forget all that complicated cooking techniques from being a chef. I'm all for the everyday person. Using your kitchen and tools, and cooking from scratch as best we can. I am an advocate of utilizing ready made products. Why not if it isn't gonna kill us, and it's healthy, without too much preservatives, I say use it.

So in this simple recipe simply entitled Ginger Veggies, the ingredients I'll use is listed below. And if you don't fancy these veggies, feel free to use what you want.


1/4 cup minced ginger 

1/2 stick of no salt butter

1/2 cup low sodium tamari soy sauce

1/4 cup apples cider vinegar

2 tbsp. brown sugar

1 cup organic veggie stock

8 oz. sliced mushrooms

6 oz. sliced cherry tomatoes

1 large green bell pepper sliced thin

2 small eggplants, peeled and sliced thin

5 oz. of green beans, trimmed and sliced thin

1 large potato, skin scrubbed, and cut into dices

Salt and pepper to taste


In a large skillet with a cover, heat up the butter, ginger until aroma fills the air. Then add in the tamari, vinegar, veggie stock. Heat up to simmer.

Add in all of the other vegetables, stir occasionally. Simmer with cover on for about 10-12 minutes on medium low. Remove lid, season with salt and pepper. If you like, add on more fresh minced ginger.

Serve with brown rice or quinoa. Or over whole grain pasta.

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