CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


In this post I'll go over some blood pressure readings and what do they mean. This is in relation to those of us with hypertension, and what we can do as far as cooking and eating to mitigate this health problem. 

What can extreme high blood pressure do?
It can cause a stroke, or heart attack.

How do you read the numbers, what's normal and what is high?
A normal reading reads like this 120/80. If you take your reading and you have something like this or a little below on the first and second numbers, you are good.

What is the first number?
  • Systolic blood pressure (the first number) – indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats.
  • Diastolic blood pressure (the second number) – indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats.
OK, so what is the high numbers?
An elevated pressure reads 120-129/80 and below. Notice the first number the systolic blood pressure rises by 9, you now have elevated blood pressure. 

The Danger Zones: 130-139/80-89 is considered high blood pressure. This is the serious time. No joking, I need meds to assist in lowering this. It is not a joking matter. Transportation companies will not hire professional drivers because of this, or drivers may be laid off until it is corrected. That goes for many skilled professionals that need mental focus, and doing pysical work. Airline pilots, captains of boats need to undergo physicals that check their overall health. And like I said, a key concern for all workers in all trades is the blood pressure.

When you are at that 140 or higher/90 or higher, you have a serious problem!

If you are at the higher than 180/120, this is extreme hypertension.

Eating healthy can help maintain a lower blood pressure.
Eat more greens, cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, cucumber, green beans, tofu, tomatoes, radish, carrots. Fruits such as bananas that have vitamins and potasium. 

Eat lean meats.
Lean beef, lean pork, lean chicken, fish is good for you. Keep it lean, cooked in light oil, poached, baked, grilled is good.

High sodium foods that come from cans. If you only have a canned food to eat, rinse it under cold water to remove as much salt and sodium as you can. Stay away from heavy sodium sauces like soy sauces, oyster sauces, black bean sauces. If you really want to eat these, water it down by half. At least it's better than having 100% of that in your body. 

Also stay away from high sugar foods. Fructose is the killer. Keep it at a minimum. 

Drink lots of water, stay away from high caffeine drinks because it makes your heart beat faster. If you love your coffee, drink your cup a day. Or drink decaf. CHECK WITH YOUR PERSONAL PHYSICIAN FIRST.

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