CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 14, 2019


In this post I'll do a healthy chicken and soup. Keep the sodium low, and sugars low it will be favorable for persons with hypertension or diabetes. Having a homemade soup that you have total control over the ingredients is key to healthy eating. It takes time to prepare, however most supermarkets presently offer pre-sliced, pre cut meats and veggies. Even broths and stocks are ready for you with all natural and organic available. Cost of food is expensive, I know that for a fact. And eating healthy may be costly. Here on Maui it is a prime time real estate location, meaning property taxes are high, which gets handed over to personal property owners, renters, as well as business offices etc..

Chicken still remains one of the most inexpensive meats available, if you are a wise shopper you may find the good chicken like all natural or organic on sale. Be aware of the market and prices, smart shoppers always win. However I understand sometimes you don't have the time to smart shop, and you must pay whatever price that's offered to eat.


3 lbs. of chicken thighs, bones off, skin off

14 oz. firm tofu cubed

32 fl. oz. of low sodium chicken broth

1/4 cup chopped garlic

1/4 cup chopped ginger

1 tsp. white pepper

1 tsp. soy sauce

1 tsp. sesame oil

1 tsp. oyster sauce

1 tsp. sugar

1 medium round onion sliced

1 medium bell pepper sliced

8 oz. white mushrooms sliced

1 cup chopped celery

8 oz. sliced cherry tomatoes


In a large pot, add in the chicken pieces, then add in the garlic to the cherry tomatoes. Turn on the heat to medium high. Let the chicken and all of the other ingredients sweat out, let the steam create itself. This will release the flavors from the chicken, garlic, ginger, onion, bell pepper and the rest. Do this for about 10-13 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Then add in the chicken broth, bring to a boil, then lower to simmer for about 20 minutes. Off the heat. Now pour soup into individual bowls, and divide tofu cubes. Now you have a simple heatlhy chicken & tofu soup.


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