CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Food Costs Formula: How to Calculate Restaurant Food Cost Percentage

In this blog post, I put a You Tube video on food costs. If you want to open an eatery, this short video will be very informative. The instructor is a chef and entrepreneur. He states that many people working in the food service industry in key positions do not know the basics on what a plate of food costs. That is one of the most basic things anyone in business must know. And that is how much did it cost you to purchase your items to be sold. To make a profit, you aren't going to purchase expensive ground beef like $50.00 per pound, and expect to make any money by selling a 1/2 pounder with cheese for 12.99. If you are you are an idiot big time. Even drug dealers are more aware on their costs. Hey if you go into business, you need some street smarts. I'd take the street smart guy anyday, and by-pass the university grad.

The Restaurant Boss


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