CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Friday, March 1, 2019


Welcome March 2019, the third month of the year officially begins. So what will we discuss for the first blog of March? Let's discuss eating right for hypertension and diabetes. For our high blood pressure, let's try and keep it around the 120/80. And keep our blood sugars low as well. By continuing to practice healthy eating and cooking, we can possibly get off of medication. 

High Blood Pressure/Hypertension Diet
 Low sodium always, stay away from canned foods that has a lot of sodium and preservatives. Canned cream of mushroom soup is out of the question. Instant ramen? Ah... you crazy? Spam? Big time nay! Canned sloppy Joes? Negative!

Eat more whole foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat your proteins like lean meats, skinless chicken breast, salmon, ahi tuna, seafood, just don't smother it with high sodium soy sauce, and high salted seasonings.

Drinking coffee in the morning but want it sweet? Use a fresh fruit juice insteand of white sugar. Even a little brown sugar should be safe. (Check with your personal physician). Eat fruits instead of pastries from that corner bakery. I know their donuts and cream puffs are awesome, but do you want your glycemic levels to go popping throught the atmosphere? No you don't. So eat right. 

Regular Cokes or Pepsi? Nay! A large Twix? Nay again! Pancakes smothered in your childhood favorite maple syrup? Get real, nope! Can you treat yourself with a Krispy Kreme original glazed donut? OK, maybe once in a while, like maybe half a donut. OK, eat the whole one, but make sure you keep checking your blood readings. (Check with your personal physician).

All in all, just use common sense when you are going out for some eats. Or if you are cooking, then watch your ingredients going into that pot. OK folks, happy March. 

I was hoping the Dodgers would have signed Bryce Harper, but oh well, he signed with Philly for 330 million dollars. Hmm, that's a lot of good food. Take care folks, and happy life eh? :)


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