CHEF SAMBRANO Food Articles Video Recipes

Monday, March 14, 2011

Maui- Home Maid Bakery Great Local Food

Home Maid Bakery is a local company, and they have some of the best local pastries and food. If you are a visitor to Maui, and want to sample what local is all about, may I suggest you get your freeking butts to Home Maid Bakery? Located in Kahului on Dairy Road, just a minute away from the Kahului Airport (OGG)...

So what should you get when you're there? They are famous for their manju, the soft mochi rice kind or the baked kind, filled with sweet sweet azuki beans, or coconut and other flavors. Try a nice home made plate lunch too.
Package of crisp apple manju
Picture from


  1. When we travel in other countries, we want a taste of the local fare. So in Hawaii, Home Maid Bakery will be our destination for bread/pastry of local taste.

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